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Tools for Schools program has distributed over 500 backpacks filled with school supplies to low-income children. Your business or organization can be a part of this community effort.


The Tools for Schools backpack giveaway program provides every student at participating schools a new backpack filled with new school supplies. For many of the children, these may be the only new items that they receive all year. The primary program goal is to ensure that students with the highest need have the school supplies needed to experience a more equitable education, achieve academic success, and grow into tomorrow’s successful citizens.


Research documents that when children have the school supplies they need to fully participate in school, they are more prepared to learn, achieve higher test scores, and have improved attendance. The families whose children attend the schools served by the Tools for Schools program cannot afford needed school supplies for their children.


In addition to your financial support, companies and community groups can participate by collecting needed supplies and filling backpacks for students who need it the most. Jordan Education Foundation will distribute these needed school supplies throughout the year.  


Join us!

To learn more about the Tools for Schools program or if you are interested in donating school supplies, please contact us.

Teacher Classroom Supplies

Gener School Supplies

Ziploc bags (all sizes)

Lysol/Clorox wipes

Hand Sanitizer

Dry-erase Markers


Elementary School Supply List

No. 2 pencils


Glue sticks

Box tissues/Kleenex



Pencil cases/pouches

Wide-ruled spiral bound notebooks

Pocket folders

Colored pencils



Middle School and High School Supply List

No. 2 pencils

Glue sticks



Pencil cases/pouches

College ruled lined paper

College ruled lined notebooks

Blue pens

Red pens


Colored pencils

1" binders

2" binders

Subject dividers

Pencil sharpeners

Highlighter pens

Backpacks for older/adult students


Graphic or science calculators

3x5 index cards (all colors)

Post-it notes

Tools for Schools

Contact Us

Tel: 801-567-8125



© Jordan Education Foundation


7387 South Campus View Drive

West Jordan, UT 84084-5500

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